Inda the story of a successful Italian company driven by a true entrepreneurial spirit. Inda is an industrial group with a well established leadership in the international markets, 70 years of experience dedicated to the customers, the expertise of Inda is based on a deep competence to learn and to understand the needs and the tastes of the different markets which change and evolve continuously. The Inda purpose is to anticipate the trends of the interior design and contemporary living. The company offers three categories of products, bathroom furniture, shower enclosures and bathroom accessories, which merge together in a unique concept of unlimited solutions for the bathroom interiors. Creativity, originality and distinctive elegance are elements which identify and express the design of Inda through a wide offer of products, from classic to modern, until the most avant-garde solutions which promptly respond to the constant evolutions of the nowadays living. A global project which, thanks to its great flexibility, finds space in the different architectural environments, and which complementary and simultaneously invest creative and manufacturing resources also to the supplies of main international projects.

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